
十大靠谱网赌平台 currently provides residence hall and apartment style living for approximately 2,000名学生,这是安全的, 干净方便.  Living on campus is an excellent way to enhance your educational experience.  Being a member of a living and learning community can help strengthen both your personal growth and academic success. You will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills, 参加教育, cultural and social programs, and interact more closely with faculty and university staff members.

Living in student housing has been proven to help residents achieve higher grades, increase their leadership skills and graduate. Our diverse community also provides a safe and welcoming environment to learn about others as well as yourself.  We encourage you to get involved, study hard, make new friends and reach higher. Remember, we’re here because you’re here. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitment Statement

十大靠谱网赌平台 Housing and 住宅订婚 is committed to cultivating and promoting an inclusive and respectful environment for our residential community and guests. We recognize that members of our community may hold multiple marginalized identities and are impacted by intersecting forms of oppression and discrimination. We are committed to creating opportunities to engage in self-discovery and critical inquiry for all members of our community. 我们的目标是, 教育, and activate our residential community to challenge prejudice, 促进公平, 拥抱差异. Housing and 住宅订婚 strives to actively combat these challenges through peer and staff support and an intentional residential learning model that fosters a sense of belonging and creates an environment in which all students can learn, 连接, 和成长.

Sustainability in Student Housing

十大靠谱网赌平台 has been focused on incorporating “green” design, construction and renovation elements into its buildings and outdoor space.

The five residence halls (Elm, 无花果, 冬青, 瞻博网络, and Pine) and the Gastronome became the first student housing complex in California to be awarded the Platinum Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification by the U.S. Green Building Council in 2011.

The LEED certification is based on a number of components that include sustainable site development, 节约水, 能源效率, indoor environmental quality and material selection.

2016年夏天, the majority of the interior and exterior lighting in the Doubles and Singles Apartments were retrofitted to LED fixtures, reducing energy consumption by an estimated annual savings of 250,000千瓦时.


Hello new and returning residents. We’re glad you’ve decided to make our housing community your home during the current academic year!  给我们的新学生, transitioning into college is often both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.  Whether you are a first-time freshman or a transfer student from a community college, the adjustment process is often wrought with questions, awkward moments of feeling lost on campus and a general sense of feeling overwhelmed. This can be particularly true when you don’t know who to ask for help. I’m hopeful you’ve had a chance to meet your Resident Advisor and/or Community Coordinator who can be a wealth of information on how to get 连接ed to resources on campus. In addition, if you’re unsure who to talk to, please stop by the Housing Office, email us at housing@raynoldsnarh.net,或打电话给我们 (657) 278-2168.