College of Education

College Career Specialist for the College of EducationOpens in new window

Please make an appointment with any through our Online Appointment System

College Drop-In Hours: Spring 2024 - Hybrid:
-In-Person: TBA
-Virtual: TBA

**Canceled on 2/21 for ECS Career Fair**

  1. Once Logged into TitanNet, goto Appointments (left-hand menu)
  2. Select, "Make Appointment"
  3. Choose "View Drop-In Times" under Other Options
  4. Under, What Type of Appointment of Appointment Would you like to schedule, choose "other Services" 
  5. Service: Choose your College Drop-In & Select "Find available time"
  6. Choose Career Center
  7. Copy & Paste available Zoom Link into another browser or browser tab
  8. Select Drop-In Online to Check-In
  9. TitanNet Access


Learn more about your College Student Success Team.Opens in new window

College of Education BrochurePDF File

Internship/Job Search Sites

Note that some of the ESL (English as Second Language) positions may ask for TESOL or TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) credentials (master’s or certifications). 

On-Campus Resources

  • Center for Careers in Teaching – Opens in new window If you are considering a career in teaching please visit the Center for Careers in Teaching (CCT) for assistance with academic advising. The CCT helps you determine the appropriate majors, minors, general education, pre-requisite or any other course needed to enter a credential program. 
    For more information on the single and multiple subject credential programs, please visit the CSUF-Center for Careers in Teaching in Education Classroom Building (EC379). 
  • College of Education Student Organizations 
    • Child and Adolescent Studies Student Association (CSUF CASSA)  CASSA is for students from any majors who are interested in working with children and/or adolescents.
    • Club TEACH (Teachers Encouraging Action, Change, and Hope) – Club TEACH is a student organization that supports the professional development of the students in the combined Multiple Subject Credential & Master’s Program (contact ).
    • Student California Teachers Association (SCTA) Opens in new window Student California Teachers Association (SCTA) consists of college students pursuing careers as educators.
    • Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC)  The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.
    • Higher Education Leadership Organization (HELO)  HELO is an organization dedicated to the professional and personal development of the graduate students of the Master’s in Education Concentration in Higher Education at California State University, Fullerton.
    • Liberal Studies Student Association  The association plans and participates in cultural and learning activities, social activities, and activities related to academic life.  

Off Campus Resources

California Educator Credentialing Examinations Resource Sites

 If you are interested in Teaching you are required to take and pass the following qualifying exams such as the CSET, the CBEST and the RICA. For more information check out the following sites.

Education Industry

Are you looking for a career with a mission? Then consider pursuing a career in Education. Teachers/or Educators are critical thinkers and life-long learners who promote diversity, work collaboratively, and advocate for their students.

Sample of Careers in Education:

  • Adult Education
  • Bilingual Education
  • Educational Administration
  • Elementary Education
  • Guidance Counselor
  • Higher Education Professionals
  • Library Services
  • Secondary Education
  • Special Education
  • Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)

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Last Published 4/15/24

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