
Dear Titans, 由于(持续的)COVID-19担忧, 同时照顾我们的员工和学生的安全, 经济援助办公室为学生提供虚拟和面对面的服务, 提供全面的服务,以满足您所有的经济援助需求.

Our Financial Aid Staff are available to you by phone at (657) 278-3125 during our phone hours在新窗口中打开 , or by using our 经济援助问题  查询票务系统上我们 Contact Us page在新窗口中打开
Our Financial Aid Counselors are also available for in-depth Financial Aid counseling via zoom or phone.

The 财政援助办公室 thanks you for your understanding and patience during this time, 我们期待着你们泰坦们的消息. 一如既往,记住,泰坦越攀越高!


高等教育紧急救援基金ii ( HEERF II )

  • 十大靠谱网赌平台 received $20,510,756 from the Department pursuant to the institution's Certification and Agreement for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the CRRSAA (a)(1) program.

  • Grant amounts were automatically provided to eligible students with a FAFSA on file. 符合条件的学生从3月30日开始收到一封电子邮件, 关于他们是否有资格获得资助. Eligible students were awarded a Primary Grant and one additional Supplemental Grant depending on their Expected Family Contribution (EFC):

    • 高等教育资助基金II(初级资助):颁发给所有合资格的学生

      • 注册7个或更多单元的学生可获得400美元

      • 注册6个或以下单元的学生可获得200美元

    • HEERF II (Supplemental Grant) awarded to students based on EFC from the FAFSA and prorated for enrollment

      • 补充补助金A - EFC学生$0-$3,000

        • 选修7个或以上科目:450美元(总资助金额为850美元)

        • 参加1-6个单元:250美元资助(总资助450美元)

      • 补充补助金B - EFC学生$3,001-$5,711

        • 选修7个或以上科目:200元资助(总资助额为600元)

        • 注册1-6个单元:100美元资助(总资助300美元)

      • 补充补助金C - EFC高于5,711美元的学生

        • 选修7个或以上科目:资助$100(资助总额$500)

        • 参加1-6个单元:50美元资助(总资助250美元)


On March 2, 2022, HEERF II (Supplemental Grant) remaining- funds from unprocessed or stale-dated HEERF II checks, 颁发给21年夏季学期入学的其他符合条件的学生, 以前没有获得HEERF奖, 也没有免除费用. Awards were based on Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from the FAFSA or California Dream Act application (CDA). 不需要额外的申请.

    • 补充补助金A- EFC $0- $5711的学生

      • 收到:2300美元资助

    • 补充补助金B- EFC高于$2301的学生

      • 收到:$653- $1250拨款


On November 1, 2022, HEERF II (Supplemental Grant) remaining- funds from unprocessed or stale-dated HEERF II checks from the summer ’21 population (above), 额外颁发给第一次入学的合格学生, 22年春季学期的一年级本科生或转学生, 22年秋季入学, 以前没有获得HEERF奖, 也没有免除费用. Awards were based on Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from the FAFSA or California Dream Act application (CDA). 不需要额外的申请.

  • 补充补助金A- EFC $0- $5846的学生

    • 收到:205美元资助

  • 补充补助金B- EFC高于5846美元的学生

    • Received: $190



HEERF III拨款(美国救援计划法案的一部分)

  • CSUF received $59,579,150 from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III) for direct aid to students.

  • 符合条件的学生必须在2021年春季入学.

  • 与符合条件的学生的电子邮件通信将于6月28日开始

  • 补助金将自动提供给符合条件的学生 beginning on July 6, 2021年,一直持续到7月. Eligible students will be awarded one block grant depending on their Expected Family Contribution (EFC). 没有FAFSA或CDA申请的学生将获得Block 3助学金. 

    • 高等教育资助基金III第1批拨款: 

      • 符合条件的EFC: $0 - $5,711

      • 符合条件的奖金:1750美元.00

    • HEERF III第2批拨款: 

      • 符合条件的EFC:超过5,711美元

      • 符合条件的奖金:750美元.00

    • HEERF III第3批拨款:

      • 没有提交经济资助申请*

      • 合格奖金:500美元.00

这个学生群体包括国际学生, 无AB540身份的无证学生, 以及没有填写2020-21年度经济援助申请*的学生

  • 2021年7月6日开始付款


On March 2, 2022, after assessing remaining funds from unprocessed or stale-dated HEERF III/ARP checks, additional awards were made to students enrolled as first-time first-year students or transfer students in the fall ’21 term, 没有获得学费减免, 按照这个标准. 不需要单独申请.

  • 高等教育资助基金III第1批拨款:

    • 符合条件的EFC: $0 - $5,711

    • 合格奖金:1991美元

  • HEERF III第2批拨款:

    • 符合条件的EFC:超过5,711美元

    • 符合条件的奖励:$510- $750.00

  • HEERF III第3批拨款:

    • 没有经济资助申请文件**

    • 合格奖金:500美元.00

这个学生群体包括国际学生, 无AB540身份的无证学生, 未填写2021-22年度助学金申请*的学生


On November 1, 2022, after assessing remaining funds from unprocessed or stale-dated HEERF III/ARP checks, additional awards were made to students enrolled as first-time 22年春季学期的一年级本科生或转学生, 22年秋季入学, 没有获得学费减免, 并且之前没有获得HEERF奖, 按照这个标准. 不需要单独申请.

  • 高等教育资助基金III第1批拨款:

    • 符合条件的EFC: $0 - $5,846

    • 符合条件的奖金:205美元

  • HEERF III第2批拨款:

    • 符合条件的EFC:超过5,846美元

    • 符合条件的奖金:104- 125美元

  • HEERF III第3批拨款:

    • 没有经济资助申请文件**

    • 符合条件的奖励:80美元

这个学生群体包括国际学生, 无AB540身份的无证学生, 未填写2021-22年度助学金申请*的学生





  • 如果你的经济援助情况因COVID-19而改变, 请联系财政援助办公室为潜在的收入上诉. An Income Appeal through the 财政援助办公室 can potentially adjust your FAFSA and Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for the 2020-2021 aid year, 导致可能的额外援助. If applicable, you will be asked to submit the necessary documentation to process such an appeal.


  • 回答一般性问题

  • 提供深入的经济援助咨询

  • 考虑额外的经济援助咨询

  • 考虑其他援助方案

  • 恢复之前被取消的贷款. 

  • 如果需要,请联系财政援助办公室更新您的2020-2021年FAFSA/CDA. 


Contact Us!

有更多问题吗?? 查看CSUF的泰坦回归:COVID-19恢复网站! 



HEERF III助学金将直接以现金支付给学生,而不是学生账户. 确保已建立直接存款,或更新当前的邮寄地址.

Grant awards provided via American Rescue Plan (ARP) dollars will not be restricted by cost of attendance ceilings and will not be counted against a student’s future financial aid award.

Grants will be disbursed electronically to student banking accounts (up to 48 hours) or via check (please allow two weeks).

即使学生有当前的财务持有或欠校园费用或罚款, they are still eligible for HEERF III Funds and the funds will be paid directly to the student.

What is HEERF III?

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III) is authorized by the American Rescue Plan (ARP), Public Law 117-2, 于3月11日签署成为法律, 2021, providing $39.6 billion in support to institutions of higher education to serve students and ensure learning continues during the COVID-19 pandemic.


ARP funds are in addition to funds authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), 公法116-260和冠状病毒援助, Recovery, 和经济安全(关怀)法案, Public Law 116-136. Emergency funds available to institutions and their students under all emergency funds total $76.2 billion.


CSUF已收到59美元,579,150, 直接向学生提供紧急食物补助, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and childcare. 

CSUF is committed to distributing these emergency grants based on three shared CSU principles:

• Student Success
• Equity

Who is eligible?

所有目前就读于加州州立大学的学生, 在富勒顿大学读本科, graduate, professional and extended education programs in the spring 2021 term (students benefiting from the faculty/staff tuition waiver or the dependent of faculty/staff tuition waiver are not eligible for this emergency grant aid).


The CSU HEERF III emergency grants are designed to support student expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 这些费用可能包括食物, housing, course materials, technology, 保健和儿童保育费用. 




补助金将自动提供给符合条件的学生. 不需要申请. 符合条件的学生将收到一封关于他们是否有资格获得资助的电子邮件, 拨款将于稍后开始发放. Grant amounts are determined by Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from the FAFSA or CDA application. Students without an aid application on file will automatically receive a Block 3 Grant:

  •  Block 1 Grant (EFC在0- 5,711美元之间):1,750美元

  •  Block 2 Grant (EFC大于5,711美元):750美元

  •  Block 3 Grant (不申请助学金*):$500

    这个学生群体包括国际学生, 无AB540身份的无证学生, 以及没有填写2020-21年度经济援助申请的学生.


十大靠谱网赌平台, will begin awarding HEERF III emergency grants in July, 2021.



  1. Direct Deposit- students must have already been enrolled in direct deposit in order to receive funds via direct deposit.

  2. Checks-没有直接存款记录的合资格学生, will be mailed a check to the mailing address that is on file through the student center. 如果学生没有直接存款设置, 请确保学生门户网站上的邮寄地址是正确的.


All eligible students enrolled in the spring 2021 term (see criteria in the “Who Is Eligible?(问题)将自动获得.


HEERF III不需要FAFSA或CDA申请. However, we will use the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for those students with a current FAFSA or CDA on file to determine the grant amount. Students with no aid application on file will automatically receive the Block 3 Grant.

如果我的学生账户欠了钱怎么办, 第三期统筹基金会否先应用于结余? 

HEERF III紧急补助金的100%将直接拨给学生, 并且不支付任何未付费用.


不符合上述资格标准的学生, might be eligible for an emergency grant through Basic Needs Services Center (TBNSC).  将被考虑作为tnsc紧急赠款, 学生过去不应获得紧急补助金.


由于非常高的需求和有限的可用紧急赠款资金, not all HEERF ineligible students who seek financial assistance will receive an emergency grant.  如果您不符合HEERF法案基金的资格, and you have not previously received emergency grant funds through Basic Needs Services Center since you have been enrolled at 十大靠谱网赌平台, 请浏览此连结: 在新窗口中打开